Floodlights ‘Underneath’ Album Tour
Floodlights ‘Underneath’ Album Tour
Billions/Supersonic Presents

Floodlights ‘Underneath’ Album Tour

The Bures Band
The River (Margaret River, WA)
Saturday, 10 May 2025 7:00 pm
57 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission
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General Admission + Digital Download
In ordering an album, customers provide consent for their contact details to be provided to [PIAS] Australia in order to distribute the album. 

Customers who have purchase the digital album will receive their download via email within 1 week of release date 

Please note that this offer is only available within Australia and all bundle purchases are final. 

For all album purchase enquiries please email - fiona@inertiamusic.com 
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Floodlights announce an extensive national headline tour in support of their upcoming third studio album, Underneath, out March 21. They will be bringing their highly-touted live performances to audiences around the country and across the month of May.
Written amidst extensive touring of Europe and the UK, Australia and the US, Underneath was shaped by a surreal period in each members’ lives - full of firsts, exploring new places, playing their biggest gigse societal reflections they are renowned for with more personal meditations on grief, memory and place; ultimately giving shape to a myriad of emotions and experiences that linger beneath the surface.